The Goal

Ok, as you've discovered, this blog is all about two people and our journey towards wealth and mastery of our time. My cousin and myself are the two people I'm referring to. We've decided 'why' this is an important and worthy goal, and believe it possible to achieve. Some important things we have learnt about what it takes to be a success. Please note that everyone has varying thoughts and definitions of what a 'success' is, but basically a successful person is someone that is progressively realizing a worthy ideal. So if you are a High School teacher and that was what you set out to become...then you are a success. Got the picture?

Now let me first tell you...we have collectively got...well, not much really. Of course we have the important things, the priceless things like beautiful families, good jobs, food on the table and a roof over our heads...but by no means are we any where near being millionaires. However, it is our goal to become 'Millionaires'. And our intention is that every person who reads these postings achieves what they want from life.

Ok, what does it take to become a millionaire in the shortest possible amount of time? Belief in yourself and that it is a possible goal to achieve. A specific way of thinking and very specific behaviour, positive and optimistic attitude and mindset, and of course, the ability to ACT. Ability to seek out and act upon opportunities and giving value for money in all that you do, no matter how menial the task.

Collectively, or more specifically my cousin and I, have read many books on 'success', have been around millionaires, watched The Secret and listened to the audios of Tony Robbins, Mike Dooley, John Assaraf and many others. It is time to begin.....

Now we are just two guys working full-time at good jobs. We don't yet own a home, one of us has a car, both 200 kilometres apart. The media in New Zealand print headlines such as "First time home buyers becoming an impossible dream" if we base our expectations on what is going 'out there' we would probably stop right now. We probably wouldn't even try. So...this is what I mean about specific attitudes and beliefs about what is possible. Then you must act from that mindset. We intend to achieve this goal, and by doing so, prove to everyone that you can do the same...thy will be done